2024 Silmaril Award Nominations for Most Epic Heroine - djedwardson.com

2024 Silmaril Award Nominations for Most Epic Heroine

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Greetings to all those near and far. Welcome to the ninth annual Silmaril Awards, the fantasy character awards for readers and by readers. You have arrived at the nominations page for the Most Epic Heroine. This is one ten stops where you can nominate characters for the internet’s most unique online fantasy fiction awards.

Unlike most literary awards, these are for the characters, not the authors who create them or the books they come from. Each award will be presented by one of Tolkien’s characters, since they represent the standard of excellence in fantasy fiction.

Each award is hosted on a different website. You can find links to nominate on the other awards below.

Nominees for this award should be women and girls whose acts of bravery, sacrifice, virtue, and loyalty represent the best that there is among heroines of fantasy literature. These are those exceptional characters who captured our hearts through not only their deeds, but inspire us also by who they are inside. Their stories are the ones that have staid with us, long after we finished reading them and they could not have been told without the heroines at the center of them.

But before you run off into the nominations below. here are a few quick things to know before you put forth your characters.

“I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend” J.R.R. Tolkien quote

2023 Silmaril Award Nominations

There are ten awards up for grabs (see the list below for links to the other awards).

All you have to do to nominate is post a comment with the name of the epic fantasy heroine you’d like to see considered for the award, along with the book she is from. Or, if you notice that the character has already been nominated, you can simply reply with a “second” to the original comment for that character.

The rules for nominating are as follows:

  • You may nominate as many characters as you wish.
  • You may also second as many characters nominated by others as you choose. The more “seconds” (and thirds, fourths, etc) a character receives, the more likely that character will move on to the voting round, which will feature the top five most nominated characters from each category (the host will break any ties).
  • Nominations can be for fantasy book characters only! (No movie or TV characters allowed).
  • The Silmaril Awards are “lifetime” awards. Characters who have already won a Silmaril in previous years are not eligible to win the same award again (though they may win other awards.) Previous winners of the Most Epic Heroine include
    • 2023 Leeli from Wingfeather Saga
    • 2022 Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle
    • 2021 Pet from The City Between Series
    • 2020 Hermione from The Harry Potter Series
    • 2019 Cinder from The Lunar Chronicles
    • 2018 Aravis from The Chronicles of Narnia
    • 2017 Lucy Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia
  • For a list of past winners for other awards, please visit silmarilawards.com.
  • Also, characters from Tolkien’s works are not allowed. Instead, they are the presenters of the awards. These awards are for the “other guys.”

This year’s awards

Here it the list of the rest of this year’s awards with links to where you can make your nominations:

So draw your swords, stick a rose between your teeth, unfurl the banners and wade into the comments below.

Let the nominations for Most Epic Heroine begin!

DJ Edwardson seal of approval

101 thoughts on “2024 Silmaril Award Nominations for Most Epic Heroine”

  1. Pingback: 2024 Silmaril Awards nominations are open - Silmaril Awards

  2. Pingback: 2024 Silmaril Award Nominations: Most Epic Hero – Bard on Pilgrimage

      1. I second:

        Heather Longtreader
        Merely (Maraly?)

        And I nominate:
        Cornflower (Redwall)
        Irene (Princess and the Goblin)
        Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
        Meggie Folchart (Inkheart)
        Maria Merryweather (The Little White Horse)
        Hyacinth Smith (The Door Before)
        Coraline (Coraline)

  3. Excited to see how this category goes!

    I nominate the following:
    -Ailsa from The Dark King’s Curse
    -Miss Sharp from Miss Sharp’s Monsters
    -Isobel from the Two Monarchies series (particularly Masque)

  4. I nominate:

    Mirabel from Heirs of Ever After series

    Kale from Dragon Keeper Chronicles

    Ceana from Daughters of Atirse

    Cimorene from Enchanted Forest Chronicles

    Alys from Through a Shattered Glass

    Reanna from The Atlantis Trilogy

    Morwë from Erlking’s Daughters

    My Daughter’s nominations:
    Aventurine from Dragon with a Chocolate Heart
    Agatha from the School for Good and Evil

  5. I nominate Shallan from Stormlight Archive, Yumi from Yumi and the Nightmare Painter, Ceridwen from Of Fire and Ash, and Lystra from Queen of Shifting Sands

  6. I nominate Miss Europa, Duchess in-waiting of Naimes from Monster Blood Tattoo (aka the Foundling’s Tale)

  7. I nominate Sable from the Keeper Origins, Yeowoo from The Worlds Behind, and Tryss from Moonscript! Excited to see how this year’s epic heroine ceremony will turn out 🙂

  8. I nominate:
    Mildred Percy from Miss Percy’s Guide to the Care and Keeping of Dragons (and its sequels)
    Miryem from Spinning Silver
    Egwene from the Wheel of Time

  9. I nominate Eilonwy from The Chonicles of Prydain and Emma Joveson from The Green Ember

  10. I’d like to nominate Brinnie from the Wraithwood trilogy by Alyssa Roat, Selene Ravenwood from the Ravenwood trilogy by Morgan Busse, and Ren Draven from the Seventh Realm trilogy by ML Little.

    and I will second Antigone Smith from Ashtown Burials and Glory from Outlaws of Time.

    1. I’m gonna get a bit brave here and nominate some obscure ones!

      I nominate:

      Saaski from “The Moorchild.”

      Meg from “The Kairos Chronicles (A Wrinkle in Time).” (yes, I do consider this a fantasy)

      Bastille from “Alcatraz V. The Evil Librarians.

      Camicazi from “How to Train Your Dragon.”

  11. I second Heather Longtreader, Kale, Cimorene, Sophie Foster, Tryss from Moonscript, Antigone from Ashtown Burials, Glory from Outlaws of Time, Weezer, and Emma Joveson

    And I nominate Essie from the Elven Alliance series, Renna Faythe from Blades of Acktar, Eddis and Attolia from The Queen’s Thief, Lune Bridth from Jade Torch: The Killing Thought, Myrthe from Wishtress, Tellie from Moonscript, Susan Mitchell from the Restorer, and Ashley Stalworth, Bonnie Silver, Karen, and Sapphira Adi from the Dragons in our Midst books

  12. I nominate:
    Imraldera and Mouse from Tales of Goldstone Wood; Kamarie from the Minstrel’s Song; Arya from the Inheritance Cycle; Scarlet from the Lunar Chronicles; Nia from the Wingfeather Saga; Ani from Goose Girl; Miri from Princess Academy; Ryn from The Flight of Swans; and finally Alyss and Evanlyn from Ranger’s Apprentice

  13. I nominate:
    Ani from the goose girl
    Lily from rise of the anointed
    Millie from Millie Maven
    Caoine from the Banshee song series
    Tenel Ka from young Jedi knights
    Echo from an echo of the fae

  14. I nominate Annabeth from Percy Jackson.

    I’m gonna be brave here, though I’m not sure if she counts. I nominate Bristlefrost from the Warriors series.

    And I nominate Prism rom the SVR series

  15. Rachael Liankatawa

    I nominate:
    Leeli from Wingfeather Saga
    Cora from Sand and Storm
    Faryn from Sand and Storm

    1. fellowshipoffantasy

      Second Cora, Faryn, and notably if you combine their names you get my daughter’s name

  16. Posting here on behalf of Jenelle Schmidt who, due to the interference of the Imps, is having technical difficulties:

    Rose Red (Goldstone Wood)
    Eilonwy (Prydain)
    Prism (SVR)
    Edith Worms (Secrets of Ormdale)
    Cimorene (Enchanted Forest)
    Robin (Bookania)


    Baili (Blood in the Snow)
    Ilsa Starling (Chase the Legend)
    Valshara (Crack the Stone)
    Megan (Escape to Vindor)

  17. Seconding Antigone, Glory, Leeli, Hyacinth, Nia, Bastille, Meggie, and Essie!
    Nominating Cordelia Beaumont, Amy Crockett, Molly Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, Minerva McGonagall, Holly Short (Artemis Fowl), and Ceridwen (Of Fire and Ash).

  18. brieflykiwibd17fea955

    I second Attolia, Eddis, Ryn from Flight of Swans, Tryss, Antigone, Glory, Cimorene, Hyacinth, Bonnie Silver, Ashley Stalworth, Heather Longtreader, and Sophie Foster.
    And I nominate Saville Gramton from Valiant by Sarah McGuire

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